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Celebrating the Holidays with Artist Katy Mobley

 It’s the Holiday Season here at MIND GAMES! The excitement and energy flow naturally at this time of year as people the world over begin to travel, spend time with friends and family, and take part in holiday traditions and celebrations! We spend time searching for heartfelt gifts, perfecting our signature holiday dishes, and decorating our spaces to reflect the sparkle and shine of the season. With so much to do and pressure to have “the most wonderful time,” the holidays can feel like a chess match with each move requiring perfect timing and calculation to get all your pieces in place on the board. While we all have different ways of celebrating, at MIND GAMES, our wish for you is to celebrate the experience and the moments that bring love and warmth to you and yours, remembering that your unique experience is what makes life so precious and beautiful. As a luxury fragrance brand, we are of course excited to see what’s under the tree, but more so the opportunity to spend time with the friends and family who gather around it.

 This year we asked Katy Mobley, Art Director and Senior Designer at Ralph Lauren, to create illustrations for MIND GAMES that embody the festive atmosphere and giving spirit of the holidays. As a designer, Katy has brought her artistic talents to luxury brands La Mer, Tiffany’s, and Ralph Lauren, as well as created stunning designs of her own that bring a touch of luxe to everyday objects, but it was her illustrations that (pun intended) drew us into the whimsical and deeply personal style she embraces as an artist. With a graduate degree in design from Portfolio Center in Atlanta, Katy is at ease in the world of luxury branding and has a keen eye for beauty, form, and style. However, she explains that her passion and strength lie in the sweet and slightly imperfect illustrations she has created since childhood. As she recounts memories of writing and illustrating her own short stories as a child, one cannot help but be caught up in the thrill she feels creating and sharing her art, much like watching your favorite person’s face light up as they unwrap the perfect present. When asked about their appeal, Katy gives credit to the character and personality of her illustrations, saying each one has a natural playfulness and persona of their own.

In creating this timeless work for MIND GAMES, Katy immediately thought of her yearly tradition of crafting hand-drawn Christmas cards for friends and family, and the result is an illustration that captures the beauty of imperfection in a world and season that often demands the opposite. Love, warmth, and thoughtfulness permeate her artwork, from the cheeky twinkling stars, to the delightful, dancing chess pieces that decorate the branches of the tree, the design fully speaks to a sense of nostalgia, merriment, and excitement. With this charming vignette, Katy expressed her hope that it will uplift and inspire people to seek out the peace amidst holiday chaos, and the love that exists in gestures big and small, this and every holiday season. As we celebrate this season and head towards the start of a new year, we are looking forward to sharing our passion for art, beauty, and luxury fragrance, and hope to create connections with you for years to come. Everyone at MIND GAMES is grateful to be on this journey with you and wish you health and happiness as you celebrate this year. From our family to yours, may the season fill you with love and joy, and may you find your favorite MIND GAMES fragrance under the tree!